IBS Ayurvedic Treatment

Can Ayurveda Cure IBS Completely?

By December 24, 2020No Comments
Can Ayurveda Cure IBS Completely?

Learn about the surefire cure of IBS in Ayurveda

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a comprehensive term for a multiplicity of diseases, triggering discomposure in the gastro-intestinal tract. It is an ailment in which the intestines don’t function appropriately, also commonly referred to as functional bowel or spastic colon. It is categorized by chronic stomach pain, discomposure, bloating and change of bowel habits in the absenteeism of any organic reason. In Ayurveda there is no particular term to describe IBS but can connect to the classical references of Grahani disease. As per Ayurveda, IBS is instigated because of inappropriate digestion and strain in life and is classified under Grahani, as Grahani resembles maximum of the IBS symptoms. Grahani is the seat of Agni and is named so owing to holding up the food. Usually, it holds up the food (till it is absorbed) and releases it from the side after it is digested. But when it is unhinged owing to feeble digestive fire it releases the ingested material even in unripe condition.

In other words, IBS befalls because of an inequity in one or more of the 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) owing to poor nourishment, poor digestion and imbalance of the nervous system, accretion of physical and mental stress and lack of immunity. In Ayurvedic medication, it is believed that there are three types of doshas that are attached to the body and they define whether one is healthy or not. An inequity in the doshas leads to health complications, including IBS and other health disorders. If you ask can Ayurveda cure IBS completely, Ayurvedic medicines are very advantageous in managing the symptoms of IBS.

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