Irritable Bowel syndrome treatment has been offered symptomatically in Modern Medicine. Ayurvedic treatment doesn’t only treat the problem but also helps you rejuvenate.
Our polyherbal formula is made up of herbs which have the property of DEEPAN, Aam-Pachan, GRAHI and VATTA – SHAMAK. The ingredients having the property of DEEPAN is the best natural remedy for IBS, Aam- Pachan correct the state of AGNI (Digestive capacity) which is always disturbed in IBS.
The herbal remedy for irritable bowel syndrome consists of ingredients having the property of GRAHI and VATTA-SHAMAK affect or normalize the Colonic –Dysfunction and make the proper coordination between the colon and brain.
The medicine is taken with curd that is ANUPAN (Vehicle) for this medicine. This helps to improve the micro flora of the colon.
The natural cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome gradually improves the quality of life, helps bring in confidence and corrects the mood disorders if exists any.
Beside medicine, bringing in significant changes in the diet, lifestyle and stress would prove beneficial.

- The treatment offered by us is holistic and offers Spa type approach
- Treats the person and not just the disease
- Helps boost the confidence
- Elevates the mood
- Rejuvenates the patient
- No any toxic or side effects
Natural remedies for IBS extended by us is sure to help the patients with the best treatment.
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